What is WLAN ? WLAN is a terminology used commonly in Enterprise companies when referring to wireless internet access. Lets see in detail what is WLAN and how it originated. Computers were developed by scientists from around 1940s and worlds
What is WLAN Controller and who uses it ?
WLAN Controller is a term often used in medium and large Enterprise companies having a large number of users connecting to the WiFi network. For a very small home WiFi network (where 1 to 5 users are connected) your wireless
Why WiFi is Complicated: WiFi Signal Issues
Everyone faces WiFi signal issues at home, office or at public places while trying to connect to the Internet. Wireless communication is a complex science that has been made user-friendly for humans. In this post, we will focus exclusively on
Difference between WLAN and WiFi
WiFi is a commonly used term to refer to wireless networks that can be accessed through laptops, tablets or mobile phones. While operating smart devices, we would have noticed different WiFi networks in any given geographical area like an office